Fintech insights and stories

Interesting interviews, inspiring stories, tips, opinions and the latest news about software, technology and business innovations that are changing the world.

Editor's pick

Migrating regulated financial app to the cloud - navigating challenges with practical solutions

Do cloud solutions really pay off?

CQRS approach to handle Stripe API events

Power of Vision: Workshop Roadmap

 Implementation of technology AML in the financial sector – 5 challenges

Empowering the Future: the synergy of Data, AI and ML in the cloud

On the constant road to excellence. What ISO 27001 certification has changed in FINGO?

What is software maintenance, and why is it necessary?

Umazi: an innovative look at due diligence

Our journey from Spring Boot v2 to Spring Boot v3

Unlocking Business Potential: The Practical Advantages of Node.js

I knew there had to be a better way: a new approach to Due Diligence

Do UX designers really exist? UX vs. UI Design

How does the Spring Framework handle a self-invocation on a creation of beans?

ThreadLocal and ExecutorService

Legacy code and faster automated tests

Docker. Yearning for containerized setup?

If private blockchains can have a potential use in FinTech?

InsurTech: We’re disrupting the insurance market with world’s largest reinsurer

How nearshoring improved IT project’s quality?

Caching complex objects with Laravel 4.2 and Redis